This function imports the *-ltrdigest_tabout.csv file generated by LTRdigest.




path to the tabout.csv file generated by the LTRdigest function.


Hajk-Georg Drost


# example tabout file generated by LTRdigest for A thaliana
tabout.file <- system.file("TAIR10_chr_all-ltrdigest_tabout.csv",package = "LTRpred")
# import tabout file
imported.tabout <- read.tabout(tabout.file)
# look at the imported tabout file.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 30
#>   element_start element_end element_length sequence          lLTR_start lLTR_end
#>           <int>       <int>          <int> <chr>                  <int>    <int>
#> 1        149500      155909           6410 1_CHROMOSOME_dum…     149500   149661
#> 2        249531      259127           9597 1_CHROMOSOME_dum…     249531   249713
#> 3        428932      438092           9161 1_CHROMOSOME_dum…     428932   429046
#> 4       2659374     2663971           4598 1_CHROMOSOME_dum…    2659374  2659694
#> 5       3357954     3363283           5330 1_CHROMOSOME_dum…    3357954  3358064
#> 6       3780765     3785720           4956 1_CHROMOSOME_dum…    3780765  3781204
#> # … with 24 more variables: lLTR_length <int>, rLTR_start <int>,
#> #   rLTR_end <int>, rLTR_length <int>, lTSD_start <int>, lTSD_end <int>,
#> #   lTSD_motif <chr>, rTSD_start <int>, rTSD_end <int>, rTSD_motif <chr>,
#> #   PPT_start <int>, PPT_end <int>, PPT_motif <chr>, PPT_strand <chr>,
#> #   PPT_offset <int>, PBS_start <int>, PBS_end <int>, PBS_strand <chr>,
#> #   tRNA <chr>, tRNA_motif <chr>, PBS_offset <int>, tRNA_offset <int>,
#> #   PBS/tRNA_edist <int>, protein_domain <chr>